The Center for Disability Sports, Health and Wellness currently works with students, staff and community partners on disability issues that educate our students while enhancing the community of individuals with disabilities in New Jersey and at the University.
Students work directly with disability groups and individuals by volunteering and or shadowing while in the Movement Experience for Individuals with Disabilities class or Field Experience for Individuals with Disabilities class. Students in these classes offer over 600 hours of volunteer work to disability-related groups.
In addition, the center’s relationship with Kessler Institute For Rehabilitation has offered students in the Movement For Individuals with Disabilities class a firsthand opportunity to visit and learn from top therapists and medical professionals about serving individuals with disabilities.
The center is working with students through the department internship program on various projects to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities on campus and throughout New Jersey. These include sports and recreation programs, exercise programs and online education. We are also working on an initiative to introduce a Disability Studies Minor which would offer our student body a greater opportunity to be immersed in disability issues and topics.
Our Mission
The Center for Disability Sports, Health, and Wellness under the Rutgers University Department of Health and Kinesiology shall be to promote, research, and educate on issues related to individuals with disabilities and inclusion through healthy living, sports, exercise, nutrition and education.