Sleep health in adolescents Image for module picIn higher education, the term ‘Kinesiology’ is used to describe a broad, interdisciplinary field of study in which movement or physical activity is the intellectual focus.  Specialized areas of study in Kinesiology include biomechanics, psychology of physical activity, exercise physiology, history of physical activity, measurement of physical activity, motor development, motor learning and control, physical activity and public health, physical education pedagogy, sport management, sports medicine, and the sociology of physical activity. Health reflects one of the central aims of our department, which is the promotion of human health via education, research and service to the community.

The mission of the Department of Kinesiology & Health is to attract students interested in advanced study in Kinesiology and Health Sciences, leading to a variety of careers such as teaching, research, coaching, fitness leadership, and delivering other services related to sports medicine, health promotion, high-performance athletic competition, rehabilitation, and managing sport-related enterprises. Our Department is central to the core goals of Rutgers University as the only academic unit that addresses and advances human health from an interdisciplinary approach grounded in movement, physical activity, management and lifestyle health.

Yankee Stadium TripIn addition to our highly competitive academic program, the Department of Kinesiology & Health focuses offers a wide array of cross disciplinary research, a Departmental Honor’s Program, lectures, and experiential learning opportunities via internships, fieldwork and a global studies program.  Our Departmental Faculty works closely with students for academic advisement, clinical work, career preparation and in service to the community.  All of these initiatives help us to lead our students to become the future leaders in their chosen area of expertise in all facets of Kinesiology & Health.





Declaring the Major


