Course Taught
Educational/Research Interests
My research focuses on measuring how unhealthy behaviors, like recreational drug use and insufficient sleep, stress the cardiovascular system, and whether healthy behaviors, like physical activity and exercise, can protect against this stress. My research projects, and those of my graduate students and collaborators, investigate these questions in social drinkers, cannabis users, active adults, athletes, and reproductive-aged women.
Awards and Achievements
GRANT R01AA061291 (PI: Spaeth/Buckman). The role of stress physiology and reproductive hormones in the relationship between cannabis use and sleep in women of childbearing age. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA, NIH), 2024-2029
GRANT R01AA028286 (PI: Buckman/Spaeth). Characterizing mechanisms underlying the reciprocal relationship between sleep deprivation and binge drinking within the context of college life. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA, NIH) 2021 –2026
GRANT R01AA027017(PI: Buckman). Changes in Cardiovascular Control Mechanisms Related to Binge Drinking during College. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA, NIH) 2018 –2025
Awards to Mentored Students
GRANT F31AA031620 (PI: Muzumdar; KAP doctoral student). Vascular reactivity to compounding stressors across the blood alcohol curve: interactions with chronic drinking and polysubstance. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA, NIH). 2024-2026. Role: Mentor/Sponsor
GRANT F31AA030178 (PI: Piersol; KAP doctoral student). Unraveling the dynamic between alcohol use and consequences in college women: Modern perspectives on the menstrual cycle, advanced statistics, and team science strategies. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA, NIH) 2022-2024. Role: Mentor/Sponsor
Selected Publications
- Conway, F.N., Todaro, S.M., Lesnewich, L.M., de Souza, N.L., Nolen, E., Samora, J., Jeong, H., & Buckman, J.F. (2024). Athletes and aggression: A systematic review of physical and verbal off-field behaviors. Aggression and Violent Behavior 78: 1-11.
- Muzumdar, N, Jackson, K.M., Buckman, J.F., Spaeth, A.M., Sokolovsky, A., Pawlak, A., & White, H.R. (2023). A complex relationship of acute and chronic alcohol and cannabis use to sleep duration in college substance users: A multilevel model approach using daily diary data. Cannabis 6(3): 49-63.
- McCarthy, T.A., Velez, S.M., Buckman, J.F., & Spaeth, A.M. (2023). The role of meeting exercise and nutrition guidelines on sleep during pregnancy. Nutrients 15(19): 4213.
- Best, L.M., Hendershot, C.S., Buckman, J.F., Jagasar, S., McPhee, M., Muzumdar, N., Tyndale, R.F., Houle, S., Logan, R., Kish, S.J., Le Foll, B. & Boileau, I. (2023). Endocannabinoid metabolism as a predictor of risk for alcohol use disorder: A PET imaging study with [C-11]CURB in heavy drinking youth. Biological Psychiatry 94(5):405-415.
- Mehr, J.B., Bennett, E.R., Price, J.L., de Souza,N.L., Buckman, J.F., Wilde, E.A., Tate, D.F., Marshall, A.D., & Esopenko, C. (2023). Women’s intimate partner violence exposure, substance use, and associated comorbidities: A narrative review. Frontiers in Psychology 13:1028375.
- Bates, M.E., Price, J.L., Leganes-Fonteneau, M., Muzumdar, N., Piersol, K.L., Frazier, I., & Buckman, J.F. (2022). The process of heart rate variability, resonance at 0.1 Hz, and the three baroreflex loops: a tribute to Evgeny Vaschillo. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 47(4): 327-340.
- Price, J.L., Bates, M.E., Morgano, J., Todaro, S., Uhouse, S.G., Vaschillo, E., Vaschillo, B., Pawlak, A., & Buckman J.F. (2022). Effects of arousal modulation via resonance breathing on craving and affect in women with substance use disorder. Addictive Behaviors 127: 107207.
- Saalfield, J., Piersol, K.L., Monaco, R., Womack, J., Weismiller, S.A., Esopenko, C., Todaro, S.M., Conway, F.N., Brostrand, K., & Buckman, J.F. (2022). Comparison of concurrent and same-day balance measurement systems in a large sample of uninjured collegiate athletes. International Journal of Sport Physical Therapy 17(2): 228-236.
- Leganes-Fonteneau, M., Bates, M.E., Muzumdar, N., Pawlak, A., Islam, S., Vaschillo, E.G., & Buckman, J.F. (2021). The cardiovascular mechanisms of interoceptive awareness: Effects of resonance breathing. International Journal of Psychophysiology 169:71-87. *pre-registered report
- de Souza, N.L., Buckman, J.F., Dennis, E.L., Wilde, E.A., Tate, D.F., & Esopenko, C. (2021). Association between white matter organization and cognitive performance in athletes with a history of sport-related concussion. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 43(7): 704-715.