Special Permission Numbers:
A Special Permission Number (SPN) is a unique code given by the department that allows students to register for a closed course. Please note that applying for an SPN DOES NOT mean that you are guaranteed to receive one. This system is only available during the special permission periods listed below. Please do NOT email instructors. Please follow the procedure below to request SPNs for full classes:
You may request an SPN for the following reasons:
- The class is full: We will put your name on the WAITING LIST, with priority given to the students in the major who meet the pre-requisites AND need the course for a timely graduation.
- The course requires it: as stated on University Schedule of Classes
Do NOT request an SPN:
- before the section fills up. The numbers are not given by first come first serve. They are distributed by rounds
- if other sections are open
- if you do not meet the course pre-requisites
- if you are a non-major and the course has not been opened to non-majors yet
- for sections that do NOT officially appear on WebReg
- if the course is not listed on the SPN waitlist site.
Courses that you should send an email request instead of using the SPN Waitlist system:
- 377:407 Administration of Exercise Science/ 955:406 Administration of Sport Management contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , if you meet the pre-requisite of 90 total credits by the first day of class but not at the time of registration AND you have a Senior graduation date - 377:343 Exercise Physiology Lab Assistant (contact Professor Murray,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) - 377:344 Anatomy Lab Assistant (contact Professor Divine,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) - 377:481 Honors Research in Exercise Science (contact Dr. Buckman,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) - 377:491 Independent Study (contact Dr. Spaeth,
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
There is NO SPN Waitlist for Summer 2024. Please register for Summer 2024 Courses ASAP on Webreg as seats will fill on a first come, first serve basis!
377:223 Functional Human Anatomy Lecture
377:224 Functional Human Anatomy Lab
377:246 Safety Ed
377:275 Basic Statistics for Exercise Science
377:301 Psychology of Sport & Exercise
377:304 Exercise & Aging
377:310 Motor Learning
377:350 Biomechanics
377:370 Exercise Physiology
377:371 Exercise Physiology Lab
377:407 Administration of Exercise Science
377:410 Exercise Testing and Prescription
377:496 EKG Use & Interpretation
955:203 Sport and the Law
955:204 Risk Management in Sport
955:276 Basic Statistics for Sport Management
955:305 Sport Sociology
955:308 Teaching and Coaching Individual and Team Sports
955:311 Sport Marketing
955:317 Ethics and Values in Sport
955:318 Organization & Administration of College Recreational Sports
955:321 The Business of Personal Training
955:330 Organizational Behavior in Sport Management
955:331 Gender Issues in Sport
955:332 Leadership Development in Sport
955:355 Professional Presentations in Sport Management
955:406 Admin in Sport Management
955:412 Advanced Sport Marketing
Fall 2024 Special Permission Rounds:
- Round 1:
- Begins Tuesday April 16th, 2024, 11:00am
- Ends Tuesday May 28th, 2024, 10:00am
- SPN Distribution Date: Tuesday June 11th, 2024, by 5:00pm
- Round 2:
- Begins Wednesday May 29th, 2024, 11:00am
- Ends Wednesday July 10th, 2024, 10:00am
- SPN Distribution Date: Wednesday July 24th, 2024, by 5:00pm
- Round 3:
- Begins Thursday July 11th, 2024, 11:00am
- Ends Friday August 16th, 2024, 10:00am
- SPN Distribution Date: Thursday August 29th, 2024, by 5:00pm
SPN Retrieval:
- If you receive an email informing you that your request has been granted, you must login within 3 days of when the email is sent to retrieve your SPN. If you receive an email informing you that your request has been denied, you may add your name to the waitlist when the next round opens IF you meet the prerequisites.
By clicking on the link to access the SPN Waitlist Application System, you are hereby acknowledging that you have read all of the instructions carefully and that you accept the responsibility of ensuring that your request has been submitted in the appropriate manner.
Prerequisite Overrides:
A student who is unable to register for a course because they lack the proper prerequisites should NOT request a special permission number. Under some circumstances – for example, if the student has taken appropriate prerequisite courses outside of Rutgers, and these are not yet credited to their Rutgers transcript, that would require a prerequisite override. Please email
- Your name
- Your RUID (the 9 digit number)
- The details of your request
- Index numbers of your 3 preferred sections, if appropriate